Sunday, December 9, 2012

Just another Saturday night in Asheville

Awesome Saturday night. Drove through Lake Julian to see Holiday lights with Alphie, Zach and his girlfriend, singing Christmas Carols to which we didn't know all of the words. Lots of humming. And giggling. Dinner afterwards, down south. Been a while since I've been out that way, so it was a welcome change.

Then met a friend to sing some karaoke in downtown Asheville. She, of course, sounded better than I, but we didn't care. End of the night, 300 lb bouncer carrying some 120 lb dude over his shoulder. The girl working the door went and got his?? car, bouncer threw him in back seat. Window down, the poor fool's foot 
hanging out the window. I have a feeling girl working door drove his car from the club's parking lot to somewhere around the corner, shoved his foot inside the window, locked the door, threw his keys inside and left him there for the night. Ewwww, I bet that car didn't smell too good this morning. Just another Saturday night in Asheville.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Go out and share some thankful

The turkey did me in. So for the full effect, pretend today is Thanksgiving.  It should be every day, anyway. Thank you very much.

Rosebud Photos
On this day we stop and think of what we are thankful for.  Most all of us say we are thankful for our friends, family if we've got them, extended family, and usually realize we have way more than many. This warmth needs to stay with us each and every day. We should spread this love around the world, in continued hopes of finally achieving the peace we so deserve and were meant to have when our Maker blessed us with this beautiful garden called Earth. To my friends near, far and in my home, you have a special place in my heart. Love to all. Now go out and share some thankful.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Faith of love, understanding, and compromise ... let's get past the divisions

*note* I first posted this on facebook a few days ago, and I've gotten some very interesting comments, so I decided to post it in a bigger arena and see what transpires. Enjoy. Or maybe not. All commentary welcome.

Somehow many seem to have forgotten the one only commandment we were given, in any and all religions: Love. And one my father, Rev. John Dowd (who was a heck of a lot lot smarter than most people I have ever met, and very happy and blessed he raised me, rather than the blood who did not want me), ... Grace. Simple stuff really. And if you don't get it, that's your problem. I am tired of the divisional 
bullshit. Either choose to work together and bring our country together. Or get out of the way, so that those who do care can make it happen. Catch my drift? I surely pray you do.

As a side, I am sooooo reminded how lucky I was to have a father and a man like John Dowd teach me what it was all about. To not ignore those did not understand, but to know it is my charge to try and help them. But if they could not grasp the simple faith of love, understanding, and compromise, ..... well, then just leave them be. That is their problem.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A great big THANK YOU to Veterans of all ages who served/serve our beloved United States of America... Thank you for putting your life on the line to make sure ours are safe. And for reminding us all that in this Country, no man or woman is of any lesser value than another. To the Veterans no longer with us, you are loved and missed, but never forgotten; you paved the way. To those who serve now, we thank, honor and will support you when needed. To those who are looking forward to the day when you can serve, thank you for keeping the hope and the belief in the equality of each of us alive. To all, I salute you.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Adoptee birthdays. Always best if celebrated day before, or day after.

Thanks to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday today or this weekend, or whenever. It really means a lot. It's not always easy for us adoptees on our actual birthday. Sometimes it's best to celebrate before (as I did this weekend) or after (as I may do next weekend also, hey I am a Scorpio, we do like to drag out the party, you know). Because the 'day of' can sometimes be rather tough - unless you're in your '20s and just want to cut loose. Why? Because there are no 'this is what happened on your birthday' stories. We might get 'when we brought you home' tales, but it's not the same. No matter how well meant. It's one of those things, where the cliche 'you have to be one to know one' totally fits. It's one reason I'm so happy that my son popped out looking like me. My first blood. And thankful to all my friends who cared to take a moment for me today. Being human isn't always easy. Thanks for being there. Please let me know when/if you need me there for you. xoxoxo. Tracy

Friday, September 21, 2012

Help Asheville High Cougar Band rep us proudly at the 2013 Presidential Inauguration Festivities

No matter who gets voted into office in November, one thing IS for sure. The youth of Asheville High School Cougar Band WILL be at the 2013 Presidential Inauguration festivities, as they have been invited to perform. And they need help. Yours and mine. No matter your favorite school. First benefit for these cool kids in our community is BBQ Dinner tomorrow (Friday, Sept. 21), AHS Cafeteria at 5:30pm before the infamous AHS Cougars / AC Reynolds Rockets Varsity football game. It's a true Friday Night Lights, folks. Come on out ASHEVILLE, let's help get these kids to DC and show the world what Asheville youth are all about. $10 and $5 for ages 10 and under. Stay for the game, or not.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

West Nile Virus and a Judaism prayer? Works for me.

Well, seems like I've been quite the slacker in posting on here lately. Busy summer. Yep, that's it. A busy summer. Not that other times aren't just as busy, but yes, it's a good excuse.

So, a post of some sort seems obvious and I'll try to keep it short because I do believe I've got a 'touch' of the West Nile Virus that found its way into Buncombe County. And those damned skeeters do love me. I say it's because I'm so white and they'd have to be wearing blinders not to see and smell my shiny white self. Even with overloads of bug spray, they find me. And whatever I'm feeling, it's been a definite 'flu-like' affect. Fevers, chills, horrible headaches, and achy muscles. But no upset stomach or hacking, cough and spitting up the nastiest of stuff deep down from my lungs. So I don't see any sense in going to a doctor who is going to gladly take my hard earned money to tell me what I already know: Rest, drink plenty of fluids and I'll be just fine in a few days.

Besides, I'm not delusional, at least not any more than ususal, and I'm told I'm not contagious if I do have the West Nile. Just cantankerous and over being down for so long.

But I did find comfort in a devotional I came across today that I'd like to share with everyone. Hope it brings you come comfort and a moment to stop and think about the words. Hope it gets my butt back up and out into the world ... Peace!

'May we appreciate our family and friends and remember those who are alone. May we appreciate our health & remember those who are sick. May we appreciate the freedoms we have and remember those who suffer from injustice and tyranny. Peach on earth.' ~ Judaism prayer.

Monday, June 11, 2012

My email to Asheville City Council regarding BID proposal

Dear City Council Members,

As a citizen of Asheville, I am against the Asheville Business Improvement District proposal. Many reasons I have stated publically and do not need to repeat here.
However, I do want to say that as someone who knows about and helped quite a bit with the revitalization of downtown Asheville, in essence the BID proposal is a large Community Watch program. I am in complete agreement with the downtown community if they would like to form such a program. However, I do not believe any taxpayer dollars need to be given to this privately-run group (even if Council decides to select the board and oversee the organization). The City of Asheville already provides adequate services to downtown. In all honesty, I believe the money, if given to BID, will most likely go towards administrative costs and not at all be used for the greater good of downtown.

If you agree to give this group money, then every other community in Asheville has the right to form a similar 'BID' group and come to City Council, expecting a similar percentage of dollars be given to their Community Watch programs. While it would be wonderful to do so for every community, there just isn't enough money to go around, as has recently been pointed out regarding raises of City employees. I do support putting money into other areas of Asheville, such as much needed sidewalks and public transportation, but not into such community watch programs as is BID.

Best regards,
Tracy D. Hyorth

Monday, February 20, 2012

First contact: Solving my adoption puzzle

This is the very first article I ever had published. It is about my first conversation with my birth mother and a note to my adoptive parents. It took many hours of editing and re-writes to get it ready for print. I was, after all, a very inexperienced writer at the time. Twenty-nine years later, I realize the title should have been something like 'The beginning to solving my adoption puzzle,' because my story continues to unravel today. This was first published in the Baton Rouge Morning Advocate where I worked at a newsroom typist and aide and began my writing career in 1983.


Friday, February 10, 2012

We're not quite flying around in George Jetson type cars ... maybe soon

I am totally all over the place today. Metaphorically that is. About the only thing I'm doing around Asheville is having dropped Zach off at school and going to pick him up soon. Not sure I'll look much different from the hippie attire I was wearing this morning - me wrapped in a purple Indian blanket, wearing my 'life is good' warm jammie pants and a black & white toboggan hat to keep my ears warm and bed-head hidden. (Hey it's Asheville ... I looked not at all out of place for an early morning mom drop-off and besides, it's my day off.)

Nope. Where I've gone today is around the world on my laptop and tablet. Made new friends. Learned what's happening in issues important to me. Just doing some internet cruising. Amazing when you really think about it. Who'd a thunk it? And if you remember when calculators cost over a $100 bucks, then you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Alphie read me a tweet he'd gotten from someone, somewhere, this morning: "Fifty years from now, your kids are not going to want to listen to you talk about twitter."

Yep. That's for sure. Zach could care less now when we tell him we only grew up with maybe - maybe - four TV stations and that's only because we both lived in or near big cities. And he surely isn't interested in hearing about how hard it was to find a good radio station if you happened to be visiting somewhere out in the boondocks of Texas. He sits, nods and smiles. Surrounded by his smart phone, ipod touch, laptop, all while flipping through Pandora radio. He's saving up for some wireless headphones.

We're not quite flying around in George Jetson type cars as I'd hoped we'd be doing by now, but that time may happen in Zach's lifetime. Amazing. Just amazing.

P.S. And just in case you're wondering, I won't be wearing by favorite purple blanket when I go to pick Zach up, but I am going to have that 'boggan cap on. It's cold outside ... ;)